OER Resources
An online resource to help faculty navigate the world of OER
Writing from scratch
If you are interested in writing your own textbook to be part of the OER community or want to take your own authored materials to the next level, there are many different resources available. Before getting started, it is advised that you consult with Jeffrey Marzluft first as there may be other resources (internal and external) to which he can point you.
- Authoring Open Textbooks by the Open Textbook NetworkA lot of helpful advice and instructions on organizing content, writing resources, and other authoring tools.
- Open Education Self-Publishing GuideBCcampus, one of the leaders in the movement, produced this reference type book on all aspects of producing an open textbook. Preparation, planning, production, and publication are all covered in addition to copyright compliance and citations.
Creation Tools
- SUNY Guide to OER Authoring ToolsThis website contains a wealth of different tools for creating various types of materials including audio/video, and text.
- PressbooksEasily creates books from pdfs or word documents. Contains professional themes and one button publishing. Both free and priced options are available. University of Hawaii has a special Pressbooks account and repository so contact Jeffrey for more information on Pressbooks.
- Soft ChalkUsed to create interactive tutorials and quizzes as well as to mash/mix up various media types.
- Creating Open Educational ResourcesA free course from Open university on authoring Open Educational Resources
- Creating and Modifying OER TutorialA hands-on tutorial from the University of Georgia.
- Last Updated: Apr 13, 2021 2:33 PM
- URL: https://maui.hawaii.libguides.com/oer
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Email: uhmclib@hawaii.edu | Phone: (808) 984-3233 | Text: (808) 518-4080