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PSY 353: Keywords

library research resources

Multidisciplinary Keywords

Some databases have information from a range of disciplines. Academic Search Premier and JSTOR, linked below, can be great tools for finding some good information from a range of sources. A good way to search a database is combine two keywords or key phrases with the word and in the middle. Here are some examples:

  • music and conflict resolution 
  • NGOs and communication
  • palestine and mediation

Remember that if conflict resolution as a term isn't getting you good results, you may want to explore synonyms or related terms (like conflict management, dispute resolution, mediation, interpersonal conflict, intervention, negotiation, etc.). Or you may want to search for information just on your primary topic and see what terms are getting used within that literature. If you need help with this, please contact us. 

Keywords from Places and Cultures

Ho'oponopono (Hawai'i & Native Hawaiian)

Robert Yazzie (Navajo Nation author)

Balcão de direitos (Brazil)

Sharia (Islamic law)

peacebuilding (Kenya)

Gacaca (Rwanda)

Bisha (Bedouin Arabs)

Haqq al-‘arab

Sulha (Arabic world)

Katarungang Pambarangay (Philippines)

Shalish (Bangladesh)

jirga (Afghanistan)

Bee Chen Goh (Chinese author)

Chotei (Japan)

Cuakai (Japan)

Chusai (Japan)

--the above terms were compiled by Emily Thorton at Brenau University.

Choosing Keywords

Here's the important thing to know about researching in other disciplines: they may not use the term conflict resolution, but that doesn't mean the literature isn't very relevant to your research. You may also not be able to find books or articles which link your specific topic to conflict resolution theories. But that's okay! You can be the expert, and link research in other fields to your work in CR. 

VIDEO: Keyword Strategies for Topic Exploration and Searching