Mauna Kea: Public Opinion
Page Overview
Below are links, posts, videos and photos from people within the local Hawaiʻi community, in the North American continent and globally regarding their views on Mauna Kea.
- Note: This list is not comprehensive, it is here to serve as a starting point to encourage further research for our users.
A Native Hawaiian-led summary of the current impact of constructing the Thirty Meter Telescope on Maunakea - by Sara Kahanamoku, Rosie 'Anolani Alegado, Aurora Kagawa-Viviani, Katie Leimomi Kamelamela, Brittany Kamai, Lucianne M Walkowicz, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Mithi Alexa de los Reyes, Hilding Neilson (Jan. 3, 2020)
Native Hawaiians on coverage of Mauna Kea resistance - Columbia Journalism Review, Marisa Peryer (July 29, 2019)
Corporate media does Mauna Kea a grave disservice - cross posted on TruthDig and original post is from FAIR under the article title "Protectors of Mauna Kea are fighting colonialism, not science" - Julianne Tveten (same author)
Reactions to poll highlight division over TMT - Hawai'i Tribune Herald, (August 14, 2019)
#MaunaMajority Movement
Statements and Open Letters
- 2019 - Open letter opposing criminalization of Maunakea protectors
- (contains signatories from TMT affiliated institutions)
- July 23, 2019 - The Union of BC Indian Chiefs: The Sacred Ground of Mauna Kea and the Rights of the Kanaka Maoli Must be Honoured
- July 24, 2019 - Kānaka Maoli Clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi speak out on Maunakea
From Universities:
- July 26, 2019 - Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Statement of Support
- July 26, 2019 - UBC calls for a TMT moratorium
- August 29, 2019 - A joint statement from the University of Toronto Students’ Union (UTSU) and the Indigenous Studies Students’ Union (ISSU) condemning the construction of the TMT at Mauna Kea
Lā 100 - 100th Day
Lā 100
Sunday, October 20, 2019 marked the 100th day that kiaʻi at Maunakea started demonstrating in 2019 in opposition to the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope on sacred land. Supporters in Hawaiʻi and around world reaffirmed their commitment to the ongoing protection of Maunakea through gatherings that have been documented in video and photos. Below are links to media from Lā100. Further results on this specific event can be found on social media using the hashtag #lā100 and/or #la100.
Lā 100 Update on Facebook: "So we have been here on Maunakea Access Road in protection of our mauna for 100 days through the wind, through the rain, through the storms, through the hot sun, through the police...and yet we remain, kūpaʻa, holding it down being lead by our kupuna...and we will remain in protection of Maunakea." Andre on Lā 100 at Ala Hulu Kupuna at Puʻuhonua o Puʻuhuluhulu. Kiaʻi begin sharing their update in the video at 00:2:50 mark until 00:13:45.
Lā 100 - We Stand with Mauna Kea: an edited compilation of videos and photos that showcases global support for Maunakea.
- Maui Gathering on Sunday to Mark “Lā 100” at MaunakeaOctober 18, 2019 - Maui Now
- Hundreds Recognize 100th Day of Protest at MaunakeaOctober 21, 2019 - Maui Now
- 100 days of standing at Mauna KeaOctober 21, 2019 - The Maui News
- Mauna Kea Day 100 - 'We will remain'October 21, 2019 - Te Ao Māori News
- Demonstrations opposing TMT construction on Mauna Kea reach 100-day markOctober 22, 2019 - KITV 4 Island News
List of Current and Past Maunakea Events
Page includes events from Hawaiʻi, North America, and internationally. If available, the event has a link to flyers and announcements for each specific event.
Public Figures and Celebrities
Hawai'i born singer and songwriter, Jack Johnson offers his support to the demonstrators on Maunakea. Johnson speaks on love and how love for the places and people one cares for influenced his decision to be on Maunakea.
Grammy award winning musician, Damien "Jr Gong" Marley reflects on his connection to Hawaiʻi and speaks on the parallels between the kiaʻi for Maunakea and protectors for Cockpit County in Jamaica.
Actor Jason Momoa shares his connection to Hawaiʻi and highlights the importance of the sacred Maunakea and shines a light on the kiaʻi who seek to protect this mauna.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson shares his views on Maunakea during an interview with late night talk show host and comedian, Jimmy Fallon.
Hosts of the morning talk show The View discuss acts of protest including Maunakea and share their thoughts on Whoppi Goldberg's question about how do we as people define what is sacred.
'They would die for our Aina': Native Hawaiian superstar Nicole Scherzinger moved by visit to Mauna Kea - TJ Horgan, KITV 4 (August 19, 2019)
Jason Momoa Has Been Joined By ‘Justice League’ Co-Star Ezra Miller For Protests Over A Sacred Hawaiian Site - Kimberly Ricci, UPROXX (August 13, 2019)
Leonardo DiCaprio shares artwork portraying those on Mauna Kea 'fighting to protect sacred land' - KITV Web Staff, KITV 4 (July 29, 2019)
Rallies and Marches
On July 22, 2019 there was a call for a peaceful boycott by the hospitality industry to highlight the protection of Maunakea. Well known Lāhainā businesses like Old Lāhainā Lūʻau, The Feast at Lēlē and many others participated.