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Researching Current Events & Issues: Finding Books & Videos

librarian help in researching current events and contemporary issues

Helpful Hint:
How to Get Information From Books Without Reading the Whole Book

Be sure to notice the book's publication date. Oftentimes statistics or current issues published in books become outdated quickly. Rely on books more for background information and topic history.

Keep in mind that effective research does not always require that you read a book cover to cover. In fact, a book with information related to your topic may be mostly focused on other topics.

You can easily find an introductory chapter that lays out the book's basic premise and a concluding chapter that gives a summary of the argument. At the very least, try to read these sections.

Images & Videos

Reference Books

Search for background information on your topic by using one of the Reference Databases listed below.

  • Credo Reference
    Provides full-text access to a comprehensive digital library of high-quality reference materials.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
    Provides access to the complete encyclopedia and includes many illustrations, photographs, and audio & video clips.

eBook Collections

The Source: Volker Oppmann, via Wikimedia Commons

UHMC Library's ebook collections contain more current titles than its physical collection. Therefore, in most cases, I recommend using a library ebook over a print book for current events research. 

  • ebrary - UHMC Library's subscription to more than 70,000 academic, full-text ebooks. Most titles are downloadable for use offline. Apple iOS or Android mobile device use the free BlueFire Reader app. 

  • EBSCOhost eBook Collection - a small ebook collection that includes UH Press (may be good for some local topics)

Featured eBooks from ebrary

Here a just a few of the many ebooks available through ebrary that address a particular current event or hot topic in the news.