MUS 107: Start here
The following databases and collections are your Best Bets for Music 107 research. Please contact a librarian if you can't find sources on your topic, after trying these recommended databases and search systems.
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music is a comprehensive print and online resource devoted to music research of all the world's peoples. Each volume is arranged topically, regionally, or by ethnic group, and complemented by an extensive index. Although each volume will differ because of the nature of the material, the organization remains consistent throughout all: regional overviews first; music in the social context next; then finally, the musical traditions of individual countries or ethnic groups.
Sage International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture (from Credo Reference)
An important volume contained in CREDO Reference is the Sage International Encyclopedia of Music and Culture. Visit this encyclopedia to search or browse headings.
- Credo Reference (full collection of subject-specific encyclopedias)
Access to hundreds of in-depth encyclopedias and handbooks covering every major subject. Includes music reference works such as music dictionaries as well as history and culture volumes.
- Finding books from the library catalog: Search Primo from the library homepage and then filter by Resource Type > Books. Refer to these instructions for searching the library catalog.
- Academic Video Online (AVON)
Please follow the link to access the trial version of this collection of streaming films. AVON is a comprehensive video subscription delivering almost 70,000 titles spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
EBSCO's MasterFile Complete
Offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, including music and current events.
These two humanities databases include the full-text journal articles from hundreds of culture, anthropology, and other humanities subjects. Coverage here is focused more on history, rather than contemporary topics or events.
Hawaiian Music Guides & Collections
Google Scholar for Local Topics
Google Scholar
This version of Google Scholar links to library-subscribed content (look for the links that say Get From UHMC). A huge scholarly collection of articles, theses, ebooks, and more. Use this collection for topics with obscure or hard-to-find information as well as Hawaii and Pacific topics.