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HIST 282: Research Guide

Library Resources for HIST 282 Students

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Welcome to your HIST 282 Research Guide!

Here you'll find resources and helpful tips to assist you in this course. Each of these were selected by librarians and your instructor as the most commonly referenced and/or used resources for HIST 282. These are just a sample of the resources available to you through UHMC Library, contact us for help finding other resources or for any questions that may arise during your research journey.


Looking for videos and tutorials? Check out:

  • Library DIY - A "how to" guide for research that walks you through a 4 step process.
  • Search Help - Tips for searching for books, ebooks, magazines, journals, and more.


Here are links to your required course readings that are available online. 
* You may need to login with your UH username and password before accessing the electronic books.


Find other print or electronic books in the UH Maui College Library Collection using Primo Search

IMPORTANT: If you find a book or DVD that's available at another UH library, you may request for that item be mailed to the UHMC Library for your use.

Once you find the book/DVD that you want, select the item record:

  1. Click on "Get It" in the item record
  2. Log in with your UH username and password when prompted 
  3. Select "Maui CC" as your pick-up location
  4. A green notification will pop up on the screen when the request is successfully placed 

You will receive an email notification when the items are ready to be picked up. Please allow 5-7 business days for the items to be sent to the UHMC Library. 

Films on Demand

Films on Demand (FOD) is a comprehensive collection of educational videos and films covering academic and career and technical educations subject areas. Available streaming, 24/7.


Here are some of the most popular streaming videos about American history in FOD:



Find Background Information on Your Topic

Begin your research by searching for background information on your topic, using the following Reference Database:

  • Issues & Controversies in American History
    An opposing viewpoint database that strives to deliver balanced coverage of major debates and conflicts in American History. Most articles feature multiple primary sources.

Tips for finding books in the Library

* Looking for books on American History?
Check in the E section of the General Collection (3rd floor and to the left of the balcony).

* Researching a Hawai'i-specific topic?
Look in the DU section of the Hawaiian Collection (3rd floor and to the right of the balcony).