Search Help
Finding Books, eBooks and Videos
The library's "catalog" (Primo) is a good place to start for finding books on any topic. Follow these steps for a Primo Quick Search for books:
1. To search the catalog go to the library homepage and type your keywords into the search box:
2. The default for Primo Quick Search is to search Everything. To make finding books easier, select UHMC Library from the drop down:
3. Click Search
4. On the search results page, you will see book and video titles listed (when available). The enter column displays your search results in relevancy-ranked order. To tweak your results to see just books or videos, select the Resource Type from the Tweak your Results column.
5. If you tweak your results for books only, you will get search results for books in print and ebooks. To find book in print, select Held by library from the Tweak my results column.
eBook Collections
If you know you want an ebook, you can bypass searching Primo, and go directly to Ebook Central, the library's largest ebook collection:
- Ebook Central This link opens in a new window
ProQuest's Ebook Central is a collection of electronic books covering a wide range of subject areas. All books may be read online or downloaded in chapters or whole books. Consult with a librarian or visit the Ebook Central's help pages for troubleshooting or download help.
Reference Shelf
Credo Reference
A large digital collection of reference materials including dictionaries, encyclopedias, biographies, maps and images.
Britannica Online
Provides access to the complete encyclopedia and includes many copyright-free illustrations, photographs, and audio & video clips.
- Last Updated: Jan 5, 2022 12:49 PM
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