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ENG 100

Library Research Assistance for all students in English 100

What is a database?

Thanks to the Library at RMIT, a Public University in Australia.

Databases at UHMC

A to Z Databases icon

Databases A - Z is an alphabetical listing of all library subscribed databases including ALL OF THE EBSCO Databases.  You can filter the collection by subject type or by type of database (articles, ebooks, reference shelf, images, etc.).

When to Use A-Z Databases

  • when you want specialized information sources within a discipline or academic field (e.g. select psychology from the drop-down Subject menu).
  • when you know the name of a library database you want to search (e.g. Psychology And Behavioral Science Collection)
  • as a starting place to find more in-depth sources of information


Best Bet Database for

Opinion/Rogerian/Issue oriented Essays 

 Masterfile Complete Button

MasterFile Complete -- Contains Full-text articles from over 1500 leading magazines and long-form journalism including:

 The Atlantic, Wired, New Yorker, Weekly Standard, New Republic

Pro/Con Databases

The following databases offer in-depth, non-biased introductions to many of today's important issues. Additionally, these sources may assist you in discovering a topic:

If you are studying a local topic, be sure to consult the Researching Local Issues LIBGUIDE 
