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Preparing a Presentation

Tips for Giving an Engaging Presentation

1. Use an attention grabber to start. Try asking a thought-provoking question, showing an interesting picture or video, or sharing a story or quote related to your topic.


2. Consider using a notes sheet or prompt cards. If you have a lot of info to share on a point, it can be helpful to have a notes sheet with further details to assist you with your talking points. Do not read from your notes as this can distract from the effectiveness of your presentation - you will likely lose your audience.


3. Short videos can enhance your presentation but remember, your audience wants to hear from YOU, so try to limit the amount of video you use in your presentation.


4. Practice! Practicing will help you feel familiar with your presentation and reduces anxiety. Have a friend or family member be your audience, present to yourself in the mirror, or video record yourself. Ask for feedback and watch for anything that needs changes.