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Dental Health Resources: Introduction

A guide for Dental Health students emphasizing their research and EBDM.

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What is Evidence Based Dental Medicine?


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Evidence Based Dentistry - a 5 Step process

Evidence Based Dentistry takes a structured approach to finding and using evidence.  This 5 step process is listed below.  Note that the first three steps take place in the office/classroom while the final two occur in the clinical practice.

  1. Formulate a question - Turn your clinical problem into a question.
  2. Find information - Look for the latest and most up-to-date information on your question.
  3. Appraise the evidence -- critically examine the evidence you have gathered.
  4. Act / Apply - Use what you have gained in the first three steps in the clinical setting to change or alter your approach
  5. Evaluate -- Did the changes or alterations you made change the outcomes?